
Transition to what?

Let’s start with drawing the map of where you are and where you want to go

As Marshall Goldsmith famously said: “what got you here, won’t get you there”. You need to find clarity on what is required in your new role. What we know about leadership transitions and effective onboarding is a mix of science and art. The art lies in your personality, the leadership muscle you built to date and your capacity for growth. As each organisation and individual are different, so does each assessment of development needs. Executive coaching with an expert-coach in leadership assessment, selection and development will yield a higher return on investment, provided you look at the coaching question holistically.

What we do know about transitions to more strategic roles, is that they often involve adaptations to ‘the new landscape’ you operate in. Instead of fighting your own turf, you now act from a view where you understand conflicting, interdependent priorities. You articulate a strategic vision that is grounded in a solid understanding of your reality. You shape new relationships, or deepen existing ones to prepare your organisation for the future. You engage and inspire the organisation, while staying connected to your own needs for purpose and connection.

BoLDeR leadership

Together with you and the support of your key stakeholders, we assess your level of comfort with decision making that impacts the end-to-end business, we assess your leadership impact and your level of resilience to deal with the demands of an executive role.

Introducing the three lenses for BoLDeR leadership

Business (B): Do you see the new landscape in which you operate? Which financial and operational levers can you pull? Which conflicting priorities undermine strategic alignment? And how does your work with the executive team and the board enable the success of the company? 

Leadership (LD): How do you make your strategic agenda come alive? How do you engage your team and the organisation more broadly? How do you ensure you don’t operate from an ivory tower? 

Resilience (R): what gives you energy, what drains your energy, and how do you keep your balance through stormy weather?

Global best practices

Underpinned by global best practices

Coaching is about you finding your own answers. At the same time, there is lot of sound, research-based and data-evidenced advice out there. Some of it is used to benchmark leaders on their effectiveness and used as decision making tools in high stakes succession planning. Other advice is intended to offer you quicker insight into your blind spots: unintentional impact you are creating by doing the best you can with what you learned and picked up through your career and in life. I work with global, top-notch partners who developed assessment tools that provide relevant insights and benchmark your habits to leadership behaviours that have been proven to be effective. All information captured during the coaching process remains strictly confidential and is used for development purposes only.

New avenues of thought

Opening new avenues of thought

Beware of your thoughts as they become words,
Beware of your words as they become actions,
Beware of your actions as they become habits,
Beware of your habits as they become character,
Beware of your character as it becomes destiny.

- Author Unknown

In my work as executive assessor, I used to observe how leaders think. The observable thoughts (reasoning, problem solving, …), feelings (feeling inadequate, insecure or at the opposite thriving) and actions (becoming dominant, shortcutting the reasoning process, openly doubting yourself…) gave great insight to one’s potential for highly demanding executive roles. That potential can be nurtured through feedback and awareness. You can think more creatively, inclusively, politically, and self-confidently.

Bottom line

When you transition into a more complex role within a complex world, you have every right to ask for support. “Life at the top is a lonely place”, they say. It shouldn’t be. Share your needs on executive development by clicking on “Make it Simple”.
